Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hoarded Questions: A Haiku Series

haikus, hoarded questions
to battle insect
or rodent infestations
of the property?

how is this going
to be brought to light- by smell?
by infestation?

how much paper
in a person’s home is too much-
considered hoarding?

Fraser, Jayme. Hoarding Law OK’d But Poses Quandry. Houston Chronicle. 17 Apr. 2014. B1, B10.

Based on the instructions and the limitations imposed by the form, today’s version is going to be somewhat more on the nose and in line with the actual article than is usually the case. I decided to return to the hoarding, which is an occasionally recurring theme. Two of the sentences I chose were questions. I made the other a question as well, as it seemed to fit with the minor erasures I did.
Here is the prompt I was responding to:
The haiku is a Japanese poetic form whose most obvious feature is the division of its 17 syllables into lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables. Haikuisation has sometimes been used by Oulipians to indicate the reduction of verses of normal length to lines of haiku-like brevity. Select three sentences from a single newspaper article and “haiku” them.

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